Initial and Basic Rent in a Lease Agreement

A land lease agreement for the construction of a wind and photovoltaic farm includes provisions for initial rent, also known as standby rent, and basic rent. These two forms of payments play a significant role in the lease and operation of land for renewable energy installations. Below, we explain what you need to know about initial rent and basic rent and discuss their importance for lessees.

Initial Rent in a Lease Agreement – What Is It?

Dzierżawa gruntu rolnego i czynsz inicjalny.

Initial rent in land lease agreements is a payment that the lessee (e.g., an energy company) makes to the property owner from the day the lease agreement is signed until the day construction begins. It is a type of upfront fee typically dependent on several factors such as the location, the area of the property, and its market value.

Functions of Initial Rent:

  • Securing the Agreement – Initial rent serves as a safeguard for the interests of both the lessee and the lessor and confirms the intentions of the investor, who starts paying rent even before obtaining a building permit or connection conditions.
  • Additional Income – The property owner retains the right to use the property, usually for agricultural purposes, until the construction begins.

Basic Rent

Basic rent is a regular payment that the lessee makes to the property owner from the start of construction throughout its duration.

Functions of Basic Rent:

  • Providing Stable Income – For the property owner, basic rent constitutes a stable source of income, independent of weather conditions, throughout the farm’s operation period.

Negotiating the Lease Agreement and Contract Clauses Affecting Rent Amount

When negotiating the lease agreement, several factors can influence the amount of initial and basic rent. These include:

  • The area and renewable energy potential of the property
  • The projected production profile
  • The potential for further project scaling
  • The property’s location relative to technical infrastructure
  • Applicable legal and regulatory requirements regarding renewable energy in the area

The contract clauses should clearly define payment terms, schedules, and possible price adjustments. Lease rent is subject to annual indexation in accordance with the GUS index.

Umowa dzierżawy gruntu i czynsz podstawowy. Zdjęcie Electrum Ventures.

At Electrum Ventures, we specialize in developing renewable energy projects and handling all related documentation, legal aspects, risk definition, and mitigation. Have questions? Contact us here: Contact


Initial and Basic Rent in a Lease Agreement – Summary

Initial and basic rent play crucial roles in lease agreements for properties intended for renewable energy investments. Initial rent is paid from the day the property is signed until the day construction begins, while basic rent is paid from the start of construction until the end of the lease agreement. Both payments are regular fees made according to the agreement’s terms, annually, semi-annually, or quarterly. When concluding a lease agreement, payment issues are considered one of the most critical aspects regulated in the contract.

Leasing land for renewable energy investments provides a stable long-term income. Check the potential of your land by filling out the form at: We are looking for land

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