Energy Storage Site Selection: What Land is Suitable? Smart Investments in Renewable Energy.

In today’s article, we will analyze what type of land is suitable for an energy storage facility. This topic might be new to you, as discussions about leasing land for solar or wind farms are far more common. However, due to the rapid development of storage systems and the growing market needs, leasing land for this type of investment can prove to be very beneficial.

Read the article and find out if your land can be used to build an energy storage facility.

What conditions must the land meet to be leased for electric energy storage facilities?

Land suitable for an energy storage facility must meet several key requirements. We will now discuss each of them in turn.

Access to the power grid

The key difference between leasing land for electric energy storage facilities and a solar installation is that a BESS project (Battery Energy Storage System) should be located closer to a transformer station or transmission line. However, it is worth noting that this is not always necessary.

It is therefore important to check whether the local grid has sufficient capacity to handle the energy released by battery storage systems and that the cost of connecting to the grid is not too high.

Grunt z magazynem energii i fotowoltaiką. Zdjęcie Electrum.

Topography of the land for energy storage

Similar to a solar farm, the land intended for a BESS energy storage project should be relatively flat, not located in wetland areas, and have access from access roads during both construction and maintenance.

Land area for energy storage

Land for an energy storage facility can usually be smaller than that for building a solar or wind farm. This can be a good opportunity for owners of smaller agricultural plots.

We have over 20 years of experience in the energy industry and know how to fully utilize the potential of your plot. Fill out the form at: We are looking for land and we will determine how best to use it.

Geotechnical stability of the land for energy storage

The land for an energy storage facility should be geotechnically stable to safely store energy batteries and other storage components. Stable land minimizes the risk of infrastructure damage related to ground movements.

Distance from the road and buildings

Access to the road is crucial both during the initial installation of the project and at later stages for maintenance purposes. Locations should not be at risk of flooding. Maintaining a sufficient distance from buildings ensures adequate fire protection.

Inwestowanie w magazyny energii na własnym gruncie.

Environmental safety

It may be necessary to implement appropriate environmental protections to safeguard nearby ecosystems from the negative impacts of energy storage exploitation. This can be achieved, for example, through proper waste management or groundwater protection.

Compliance with applicable regulations

All activities related to the construction and operation of an energy storage facility must comply with local building regulations, environmental protection regulations, and occupational safety regulations.

How can BESS projects be more attractive to property owners than solar farms?

One advantage of an energy storage project on your property compared to a solar farm is that it requires less space. The exact number of modules that can be installed on one property depends on technical and economic factors.

We design solar farms, wind farms, energy storage facilities, and hybrid installations.

Read also: Solar farm project – what you need to know?

How do I find out if my property qualifies for a BESS project?

Leasing land for energy storage involves a series of analyses to maximize the potential of your land.

Fill out the form to tell us about your property:

We are looking for land for energy storage

What determines the amount of rental income?

The amount of rent depends on the number of units that can fit on a given plot and the cost of connecting to the grid. If costs are low, this can positively affect the amount of rent you receive.

We can conduct a review of your plot to analyze its potential.

Is it worth it? Absolutely!

We sign a lease agreement with the landowner usually for a long period. Owners receive payment (rental income – paid upfront with annual indexation), and the responsibilities related to the operation and maintenance of the storage facility rest on us (limiting the owner’s involvement to the necessary minimum). This way, you can earn income with virtually no involvement in the project.

Read also: Initial and basic rent in a lease agreement

Now you know what type of land is suitable for an energy storage facility and what is important for the investment to be successful. And if you are interested in this topic, also read: Lease for photovoltaics and energy storage – Guide

Leasing Land for Solar Panels and Energy Storage – A Guide

Dzierżawa pod fotowoltaikę i magazyn energii to bardzo interesujące rozwiązanie, które niejako łączy dwa źródła przychodu. Tym samym, pozwala maksymalizować zysk płynący zarówno z dzierżawy ziemi, jak i z całej inwestycji.

Dzieje się tak, ponieważ stawki oferowane za dzierżawę ziemi z przeznaczeniem na magazyn energii i farmę PV są wyższe niż jeśli mówilibyśmy o samej instalacji fotowoltaicznej. Dlatego dziś przyjrzymy się ważnym aspektom, które pozwolą Ci ustalić, czy dzierżawa pod fotowoltaikę z magazynem energii będzie dla Ciebie możliwa i warta do rozważenia.

Photovoltaics with Energy Storage – How Does It Work?

A photovoltaic installation with energy storage combines photovoltaic (PV) modules with energy storage systems (e.g., lithium-ion batteries), allowing for more efficient collection and utilization of energy.

When sunlight is at its peak, the panels produce the most energy. This energy can be used immediately or stored. For example, when energy production exceeds the current network demand, its surplus can be directed to the energy storage.

Learn more: How does a photovoltaic installation with energy storage work?

Profitability of Leasing for Photovoltaics and Energy Storage

An energy storage system integrated with a photovoltaic installation stores the excess energy produced. The stored energy can then be sold during hours when energy prices are higher, such as in the evening hours. Higher investor profits usually mean better leasing terms for the landowner.

Leasing land for photovoltaics and energy storage.

Leasing for Photovoltaics and Energy Storage in 3 Steps

Let’s start with the fact that you own land, perhaps you are a farmer or an entrepreneur, and you are wondering if leasing could bring you a stable income with minimal time investment. At the same time, you don’t need any capital contribution other than the land you are bringing to the investment.

Let’s now look at what steps you would need to take to successfully lease land for photovoltaics with an energy storage system.

Step 1: Is Your Land Suitable for an Installation with Energy Storage?

At Electrum Ventures, we conduct advanced analyses that form the basis for fully utilizing the potential of your property.

If you want to assess the potential of your land, fill out the form at: We are looking for land

  • Technical analysis – analysis of whether the land has suitable technical conditions (e.g., soil class, sunlight, terrain).
  • Legal analysis – verification of whether photovoltaic systems and energy storage can be installed on your land.
  • Access to the power grid – checking if access to the local power grid for energy transmission is possible.
  • Environmental and planning approvals – ensuring there are no planning obstacles, such as collision objects or wooded areas.

Also read: What land is suitable for energy storage?

Step 2: Land Lease Agreement Provisions

  • Financial conditions – determining the amount of rent, forms, and payment terms.
  • Obligations and rights of the parties – the lease agreement parties specify their obligations and rights.
  • Duration of the agreement – determining the lease period and conditions for its extension or termination.
  • Penalties for breach of the agreement – specifying the legal consequences in case of breach of the agreement terms.

A secure land lease agreement ensures the protection of the rights and obligations of both parties, which is why we recommend cooperating with a trusted partner. At Electrum, we have over 20 years of experience. Learn more about what we do here: What we do.

Step 3: Signing the Lease Agreement and Earning Profits

After signing a secure agreement, the owner of the leased land can start earning.

  • Lease rent – regularly receiving lease payments will provide you with a steady income for a long-term period (agreements are usually signed for a longer period).
  • Annual adjustment – allows adjusting the rent amount to inflation or other cost of living indices. This protection against the loss of rent value due to price increases ensures income stability for the landowner.
  • Property tax refund

Also read: Initial and Basic Rent in a Land Lease Agreement

Summary – Benefits of Leasing Land for a PV Farm Integrated with Energy Storage

The benefits of leasing land for photovoltaics with energy storage include not only financial aspects but also environmental ones. The lessor contributes to the energy transition and the reduction of CO2 emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Are you considering leasing your land for photovoltaics and energy storage? Go through the entire process with professionals. If you have questions, feel free to Contact us.

Also read: Leasing land for photovoltaics – Key information

Leasing Land for a Solar Farm: Essential Information

What You Need to Know About Leasing Land for Photovoltaic Installation

Do you own land and are wondering if leasing it for photovoltaics is a good idea?
Or perhaps you want to lease land from someone to invest in a photovoltaic installation?

In this guide, we will cover all the essential aspects both from the perspective of the landowner and the investor looking for a suitable plot.

For Landowners

How Much Can You Earn from Leasing Land for Photovoltaics?

A photovoltaic plot can yield various profits depending on factors such as:

  • the location, size, and renewable energy potential of the property,
  • the projected production profile,
  • the possibility of further scaling the project,
  • the property’s location relative to technical infrastructure,
  • applicable legal regulations concerning renewable energy in the area.

Earnings from 1 hectare dedicated to building a farm are therefore highly dependent on the individual situation and are subject to negotiation.

Land for PV farm. Photo Electrum.

How to Assess Your Land’s Potential for a PV Farm?

A photovoltaic investment is a venture that must be preceded by a series of analyses. Self-assessment requires time and extensive knowledge, so we encourage you to contact us.

We are a Polish leader in the alternative energy sector (Read more: What We Do – Designing Farms and Developing Renewable Energy Projects).

Analysis includes:

  • terrain shape,
  • land use structure,
  • availability of infrastructure, such as access roads,
  • presence of collision objects limiting the possibility of PV farm implementation, such as technical infrastructure zones, wooded areas, ponds,
  • location relative to the DSO/TSO infrastructure,
  • location relative to legal nature protection forms,
  • legal aspects, such as ownership or spatial development plans,
  • sunlight levels.

More detailed information about assessing the potential of a plot for a photovoltaic farm can be found in this article: Photovoltaic Farm Project – What You Need to Know?

Leasing land for photovoltaics.

Key Elements of a Land Lease Agreement for Photovoltaics

A land lease agreement for photovoltaics includes several essential points that should be clearly regulated to ensure clarity and security for both parties. Here are the most important ones:

Definition of the Contract Subject

This includes the precise definition of the cadastral numbers and land and mortgage register numbers of the property or its parts that will be leased for photovoltaic installation. The area should be specified accurately to 1m². Additionally, the lease object is also presented in a graphic attachment representing its boundaries on a basic/topographic or orthophoto map.

Contract Duration

Specifying the duration for which the land lease agreement is made. For photovoltaic installations, contracts are long-term. A lease agreement can be made for a fixed period, but not exceeding 30 years.

Amount and Method of Determining the Lease Rent

The lease rent amount depends on the rate agreed upon through negotiation expressed in PLN/ha/year and the leased area expressed in ha (hectare).

Payment Models and Financial Structures

One of the key elements when leasing land for a photovoltaic farm is determining the payment model. Important elements to define in the lease agreement are:

  • payment periods (annual, semi-annual, quarterly) and whether it is paid in arrears or in advance,
  • rules for annual rent indexation,
  • additional payments,
  • formal-accounting issues.

Land Lease for Photovoltaic Farm, Initial and Standby Rent

Initial rent in land lease agreements is a fee that the lessee (e.g., an energy company) pays to the landowner from the day the lease agreement is signed until the day construction begins.

Standby rent is a regular fee that the lessee pays to the landowner from the day construction begins throughout its duration.

Learn more: Initial and Standby Rent in a Lease Agreement

Land lease agreement and basic rent. Photo Electrum Ventures.

Rights and Obligations of the Contracting Parties

The specification of rights and obligations applies to both the lessee and the lessor. The most significant issues include:

  • Scope of investment that can be realized on the leased property.
  • Scope of actions that the lessee can take under the contract and actions that they cannot take.
  • Scope of actions that the lessor cannot undertake as they may negatively impact the investment (mainly its productivity).
  • Defining the factors whose occurrence allows the parties to terminate the contract.

Regulations Regarding Land Leasing for Photovoltaic Installations

In Polish legislation, there are commonly legal acts that significantly limit the use of real estate. These include provisions regarding:

  • Land class – the best will be class V, VI, and IV lands. Classes I-III lands are protected, as are Ls class lands.
  • Land origin – the best will be mineral-origin lands. Organic-origin lands are protected.
  • Non-transferability and non-leasability of the property within 5 years of acquisition.
  • Additionally, mention should be made of local legal acts, i.e., local spatial development plans, where there are often provisions completely prohibiting construction or limiting it to a strictly defined type and function of construction. Important provisions may also appear in land and mortgage registers, where properties or their parts subject to transmission and passage easements and properties heavily mortgaged are excluded from construction.

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Plot for Photovoltaics and Lease Tax

Whether income from leasing agricultural land is subject to personal income tax depends on the purpose for which the land is leased. If it is for agricultural purposes, the lease income is not subject to personal income tax. However, if it is for a non-agricultural purpose (e.g., leasing land for solar panel installations), the farmer is obliged to pay personal income tax.

Personal Income Tax (PIT)

Land lease until the end of 2022 was taxed according to general rules based on the tax scale specified by the PIT Act. From 2023, land lease is taxed the same way as private rental, i.e., in the form of a lump sum on recorded revenues.

In 2024, the lump-sum rate on lease revenues is: 8.5% up to the amount of PLN 100,000; the excess over this amount is taxed at 12.5% of revenues.

Corporate Income Tax (CIT)

Legal entities, such as capital companies or other legal forms, that derive income from leasing land for a photovoltaic farm are subject to corporate income tax (CIT).

The CIT rate is generally 19% on pre-tax income. Companies classified as small taxpayers and those starting business operations can benefit from a reduced 9% corporate income tax rate.

Non-Agricultural Lease and Property Tax

Leasing agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes means it no longer falls under agricultural tax but is subject to much higher property tax to the extent the land is used for business activities.

For Individuals or Companies Wanting to Lease Land from Landowners

How to Find Suitable Land for a Photovoltaic Installation?

Land suited to the nature of the investment is key to success. Searching for a plot for a photovoltaic farm requires taking several steps that can have a decisive impact on the success of the entire investment. The steps are described in this article in the section: How to Assess Your Land’s Potential for a PV Farm?

More detailed information on finding the ideal land can be found in the guide: How to Choose the Best Location to Build a Photovoltaic Farm?

Construction project of a photovoltaic farm.

Leasing Land for Photovoltaics and Ecological Benefits and Promoting Sustainable Development

Leasing land for a PV installation, besides financial benefits, brings a range of positive changes towards sustainable development:

  • Clean energy production – photovoltaic installations enable the production of electricity using renewable energy sources (RES), which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants.
  • Sustainable development – investments in photovoltaics support sustainable development goals by reducing dependence on traditional energy sources, such as coal. They help minimize the negative impact on the natural environment.
  • Job creationthe construction and operation of photovoltaic installations create new jobs in the renewable energy sector, supporting local economies.
  • Improving energy security – renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, reduce dependence on energy imports and minimize the risk of energy supply disruptions.
  • Long-term energy stability – photovoltaics offer long-term energy stability due to low operating costs and predictable electricity production costs.
  • Natural resource protection – investing in photovoltaics helps protect natural resources, such as water and soil, by limiting the exploitation of non-renewable raw materials.
  • Additional revenue for the municipality budget – the investment generates additional revenue from property tax and partially from CIT tax.

We specialize in designing and developing photovoltaic farms.
Check the potential of your land here:
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Leasing Land for Photovoltaics – Summary

Leasing agricultural land for photovoltaic farms can generate stable income. Before deciding to lease, it is necessary to thoroughly assess the land’s potential in terms of sunlight, topography, and infrastructure availability. Signing a clear land lease agreement is crucial to protecting the interests of both parties. The contract should include provisions on rent amount, contract duration, parties’ obligations, and all land use rules.

Initial and Basic Rent in a Lease Agreement

A land lease agreement for the construction of a wind and photovoltaic farm includes provisions for initial rent, also known as standby rent, and basic rent. These two forms of payments play a significant role in the lease and operation of land for renewable energy installations. Below, we explain what you need to know about initial rent and basic rent and discuss their importance for lessees.

Initial Rent in a Lease Agreement – What Is It?

Dzierżawa gruntu rolnego i czynsz inicjalny.

Initial rent in land lease agreements is a payment that the lessee (e.g., an energy company) makes to the property owner from the day the lease agreement is signed until the day construction begins. It is a type of upfront fee typically dependent on several factors such as the location, the area of the property, and its market value.

Functions of Initial Rent:

  • Securing the Agreement – Initial rent serves as a safeguard for the interests of both the lessee and the lessor and confirms the intentions of the investor, who starts paying rent even before obtaining a building permit or connection conditions.
  • Additional Income – The property owner retains the right to use the property, usually for agricultural purposes, until the construction begins.

Basic Rent

Basic rent is a regular payment that the lessee makes to the property owner from the start of construction throughout its duration.

Functions of Basic Rent:

  • Providing Stable Income – For the property owner, basic rent constitutes a stable source of income, independent of weather conditions, throughout the farm’s operation period.

Negotiating the Lease Agreement and Contract Clauses Affecting Rent Amount

When negotiating the lease agreement, several factors can influence the amount of initial and basic rent. These include:

  • The area and renewable energy potential of the property
  • The projected production profile
  • The potential for further project scaling
  • The property’s location relative to technical infrastructure
  • Applicable legal and regulatory requirements regarding renewable energy in the area

The contract clauses should clearly define payment terms, schedules, and possible price adjustments. Lease rent is subject to annual indexation in accordance with the GUS index.

Umowa dzierżawy gruntu i czynsz podstawowy. Zdjęcie Electrum Ventures.

At Electrum Ventures, we specialize in developing renewable energy projects and handling all related documentation, legal aspects, risk definition, and mitigation. Have questions? Contact us here: Contact


Initial and Basic Rent in a Lease Agreement – Summary

Initial and basic rent play crucial roles in lease agreements for properties intended for renewable energy investments. Initial rent is paid from the day the property is signed until the day construction begins, while basic rent is paid from the start of construction until the end of the lease agreement. Both payments are regular fees made according to the agreement’s terms, annually, semi-annually, or quarterly. When concluding a lease agreement, payment issues are considered one of the most critical aspects regulated in the contract.

Leasing land for renewable energy investments provides a stable long-term income. Check the potential of your land by filling out the form at: We are looking for land

Photovoltaic Farm Project – What You Need to Know?

A comprehensive photovoltaic (PV) farm project encompasses all stages necessary for the design, construction, commissioning, and maintenance of a photovoltaic farm. The project takes into account all technical, legal, financial, and environmental aspects related to the investment. Below, we present the main elements of the process that constitute a photovoltaic farm project.

Development of a PV Farm – STAGES


1. Determining Property Potential – Preliminary Verification

The designer considers all factors influencing the final shape of the investment, including:

Projekt farmy fotowoltaicznej i realizacja Electrum.

  • Sunlight levels,
  • Terrain features,
  • Land use structure,
  • Availability of infrastructure, e.g., access roads,
  • Presence of conflicting objects limiting the feasibility of the PV farm, such as technical infrastructure corridors, wooded areas, ponds,
  • Location relative to the distribution system operator (DSO)/transmission system operator (TSO) infrastructure,
  • Location relative to legal forms and nature protection forms,
  • Legal aspects, e.g., related to ownership or spatial planning.

2. Local vision

This stage evaluates whether the chosen land is suitable for installing photovoltaic panels. It includes activities such as:

  • Verification of the actual terrain and land use, including the presence of conflicting objects,
  • Property inventory,
  • Inventory of potential connection line routes,
  • Site inspection of potential connection points,
  • Verification of access possibilities to the property.

3. Concept Design of the Photovoltaic Farm

The concept design of the PV farm is a preliminary plan that includes basic technical and organizational assumptions. It largely results from the work described in points 1 and 2. It includes:

Projektowanie farm fotowoltaicznych i wykonawstwo Electrum.

  • Placement of photovoltaic panels and inverters,
  • Placement of transformer stations,
  • Diagram of low voltage (LV) and medium voltage (MV) cable lines,
  • Layout of internal roads,
  • Mapping potential routes for connection lines.

The concept design forms the basis for further, more detailed studies. It provides information on forecasted annual yields and investor costs.

How to Fully Utilize Your Land’s Potential?

At Electrum Ventures, we propose optimal solutions aimed at maximizing the potential of your plot. Collaboration with an experienced and trusted partner is crucial for increasing profits from a photovoltaic farm.


Learn more about how we do it: What We Do – PV Farm Design and Renewable Energy Project Development | Electrum Ventures


4. Lease/Ownership

Implementing a photovoltaic project requires settling legal matters regarding land ownership or lease. Both leasing land for a photovoltaic farm and purchasing it have their advantages, with the choice depending on the investment strategy and local conditions. Leasing agreements are generally the more popular form of obtaining land use rights.

Check the potential of your land by filling out the form at: We are Looking for Land – PV Farm Design and Renewable Energy Project Development | Electrum Ventures


5. Environmental Decision

An environmental decision (ED) is required if the area defined by the outer contour of the photovoltaic panels exceeds 0.5 hectares in protected areas or 2 hectares in other areas. This decision specifies the method of implementing the PV farm to minimize its environmental impact. Therefore, the ED imposes additional restrictions to minimize or compensate for the negative impact of the PV farm on the environment.

Projekt budowlany farmy fotowoltaicznej.

Depending on factors such as the scale of the photovoltaic farm and its location, it may be necessary to prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) based on year-round environmental inventory. The EIR is an element that significantly prolongs the process of obtaining the ED, which is often more stringent.

This decision results from an environmental impact assessment (EIA) that analyzes the potential impact of the investment on local fauna, flora, and other environmental aspects.

6. Building Conditions Decision and/or Local Spatial Development Plan

Verification of the local spatial development plan (LSDP) is necessary to ensure that the planned investment complies with local regulations and policies. In the absence of an LSDP, obtaining a building conditions decision (BCD) is required, determining the feasibility of implementing the photovoltaic project on the given land. However, it should be noted that BCDs will only be issued until December 31, 2025. From January 1, 2026, photovoltaic farms will be located solely based on the LSDP.

7. Connection Conditions for the Photovoltaic Farm

Connection conditions are a document issued by the Distribution System Operator (DSO) or Transmission System Operator (TSO). It specifies the technical requirements (connection point and voltage, and the scope of tasks to be performed by both the connecting entity and the Operator) related to connecting the photovoltaic farm to the National Power System (NPS).

Unfortunately, the number of rejected applications increases year by year. The most common reasons are technical premises, followed by economic premises and economic-technical premises. Therefore, knowledge on how to effectively obtain connection conditions is crucial.

Read the article: How to Effectively Obtain PV Connection Conditions

8. Construction Project of the Photovoltaic Farm

The construction project of the photovoltaic farm is detailed technical documentation necessary to obtain a building permit (BP). It is a set of documents and plans presenting the construction investment in the form and scope specified in the relevant Regulation of the Minister of Development (Journal of Laws 2020, item 1609). For the realization of photovoltaic farms, it includes, among other things, all necessary information regarding the site development plan, photovoltaic farm construction, and electrical installations.

Under current law, the construction project consists of three technical studies:

  • Land development project (plot),
  • Architectural and construction project,
  • Technical project.

Main Elements of the Photovoltaic Farm Construction Project

  • Land Development Plan: Layout of photovoltaic panels, cables, support structures, and other infrastructure elements on the solar farm site.
  • Project Descriptions: Including information on technical parameters, standards, norms, and installation requirements.
  • Construction Solutions: Covering the type of components, dimensions, or wind and snow loads.
  • Electrical Solutions: Design of the photovoltaic farm’s electrical installation, covering the layout of cables, protections, measuring points, as well as the connection method to the power grid and electrical diagrams of the photovoltaic panels, inverters, transformers, monitoring, and control systems.
  • Geodetic Documentation: Including a map for design purposes, maps, plans, and geodetic profiles of the land necessary for the correct placement of photovoltaic panels and technical infrastructure.
  • Technical Specifications: For used components, including photovoltaic panels, inverters, support structures, cables, protections, and equipment.

Map for Design Purposes

A map for design purposes is a detailed cartographic study showing the terrain features, location of existing objects, and technical infrastructure. It is essential for preparing an accurate construction project for the photovoltaic farm.

Photovoltaic Farm Project and Development

After obtaining all necessary permits, the investment implementation can begin. This stage includes the construction of the photovoltaic farm, installation of panels, inverters, cabling, and connection to the power grid. Upon completion of construction works, tests and technical acceptances are carried out to ensure the installation operates correctly and according to the project assumptions.

Good land for building a PV farm should be conveniently located from a logistical perspective, ensuring excellent sunlight exposure for the panels.

We prepare construction-execution projects and MV connection projects necessary to obtain a building permit for the photovoltaic farm. We complete the required documents and submit a building permit application.

Learn more about how we work towards the success of your farm:

PV Farm Design and Renewable Energy Project Development | Electrum Ventures

Maintenance and Monitoring of the Photovoltaic Farm

After commissioning the photovoltaic farm, regular monitoring and maintenance are necessary. This includes technical inspections, panel cleaning, repairs, and updates. Effective management of the photovoltaic farm ensures its long-term efficiency and optimized profitability.

Summary of Photovoltaic Farm Design

Each stage presented in this article is crucial to ensure the efficiency, regulatory compliance, and profitability of a photovoltaic farm. At Electrum, we execute projects comprehensively – providing development, EPC, and O&M services for the most technologically advanced projects.

How to Effectively Obtain Connection Conditions for a PV Farm? A Guide

Connection Conditions to the Electrical Grid for a Photovoltaic Farm

Obtaining connection conditions for a photovoltaic (PV) farm to the electrical grid is a process that requires the proper completion of the application and preparation of the necessary attachments, followed by effective cooperation with the Distribution System Operator (DSO). Below is a guide to the most important stages of this process: before submitting the application, during its submission, and after submission.

Before Submitting the Application

  1. Site Analysis and Land Audit We verify the property in terms of its planning and environmental conditions, as well as its location relative to technical infrastructure. Additionally, we assess the property’s potential by conducting a solar analysis and a productivity assessment.
  2. Checking the Local Spatial Development Plan (MPZP) – We verify whether the local spatial development plan allows for the construction of a photovoltaic farm on the selected site. In the absence of an MPZP, we obtain a building conditions decision (WZ). However, to achieve this, we must first obtain an environmental decision (DoŚU).
  3. Collecting Documentation – We prepare the necessary documents constituting the application for determining the connection conditions and gather the necessary attachments, which include:
  • a document confirming the right to dispose of the property,
  • a building conditions decision (WZ) or an extract from the local spatial development plan (MPZP),
  • catalog cards,
  • a site development project,
  • technical drawings, as well as maps.

Przyłączenie farmy fotowoltaicznej do sieci energetycznej. Zdjęcie Electrum.

Connection Conditions for a PV Farm to the Electrical Grid – Application

After the initial stage, submit an application to the DSO or the Transmission System Operator (TSO) for the issuance of connection conditions to the electrical grid. The connection conditions primarily specify all the technical requirements to ensure the safe and timely connection of the PV farm to the National Power System (KSE). The connection conditions for a photovoltaic farm are one of the annexes to the connection agreement, which, in addition to the technical requirements described in the WP, also regulates issues of schedule, costs, and the rights and obligations of its parties.

Step by Step

It’s worth knowing that each network operator may have its own additional formal requirements regarding the documentation attached to the application for connection conditions.

  1. Application Preparation – we fill out the application for connection conditions in accordance with the DSO/TSO requirements.
  2. Attachments to the Application – a document confirming the right to dispose of the property, a building conditions decision (WZ) or an extract from the local spatial development plan (MPZP), catalog cards, a site development project, technical drawings, including maps (we will detail this further in the article).
  3. Connection Fee – this is the deposit towards the connection fee, which usually amounts to 30 PLN/kW (30,000 PLN for 1 MW of installation capacity). Ensure payment within 14 days of submitting the application. It is worth mentioning that the maximum amount of this deposit is 3,000,000 PLN.
  4. Submitting the Application – it can be submitted in person, by mail, or electronically, depending on the procedures of the given operator.

Warunki przyłączenia farmy PV fotowoltaicznej.

At Electrum Ventures, we develop projects from greenfields: 

What we do 

What needs to be included in the application?

It is essential to familiarize yourself with the template for the connection conditions application, available from the specific Distribution System Operator or Transmission System Operator. Each application contains a list of attachments. Among the necessary documents, you will find:

  • A document confirming legal title to the property – this can include various forms of land use; most commonly, it is a deed or a lease agreement.
  • A building conditions decision or an extract from the local spatial development plan.
  • A development plan on a situational and elevation map, which is a cartographic document that shows the planned location and layout of all elements of the photovoltaic farm on the investment site. The map is a key element of the project documentation and is necessary for obtaining building permits and connection conditions to the electrical grid.
  • Catalog cards of the devices that will be elements of the PV farm. These primarily include catalog cards for: PV panels, inverters, transformer stations, supporting structures, and cable lines.
  • Single-line installation diagrams.
  • A map of the connection line route.

At Electrum Ventures, we are responsible for fully utilizing the property’s potential, conducting planning and environmental analyses, and obtaining administrative decisions. Learn more about this: What we do.

After Submitting the Application for Connection Conditions for a Photovoltaic Installation

  1. Payment of the Connection Fee Deposit – The deposit must be paid within 14 days from the date of application submission.
  2. Application Supplementation – The DSO/TSO, after verifying the submitted application, may request supplements, the scope of which is described in the written request directed to the applicant.
  3. Monitoring Progress – It is advisable to monitor the progress of the application review by the DSO. For this purpose, maintain contact with the operator.
  4. Waiting Time – The DSO has a maximum of 150 days to review the high voltage (HV) network connection application and a maximum of 120 days to review the medium voltage (MV) network connection application. In practice, the review time for the vast majority of applications is longer. The review time does not include the time necessary for supplementation (item 2). It also does not include delays resulting from the applicant’s actions. The DSO/TSO has the option to extend the review period by half of the basic period, i.e., respectively 60 days or 75 days.
  5. Obtaining Connection Conditions – After the positive review of the application, we receive the connection conditions for the photovoltaic farm, which will specify the technical details and costs related to connecting the PV farm to the electrical grid. The connection conditions for a photovoltaic farm are valid for 2 years from the date of their delivery.
  6. Signing the Connection Agreement – Based on the received connection conditions, a connection agreement is signed with the DSO/TSO. The connection agreement must be signed within the validity period of the connection conditions. This agreement defines the rights and obligations of both parties and the schedule for the connection implementation, both on the part of the DSO/TSO and the connected entity.
  7. Connection Implementation – After signing the agreement, the DSO/TSO will commence the work related to connecting the photovoltaic farm to the grid. Cooperation with the operator is crucial to ensure a smooth process.

Wniosek o warunki przyłączenia elektrowni słonecznej

How to Effectively Obtain Connection Conditions for a PV Farm – Summary 

Uzyskanie warunków przyłączenia farmy fotowoltaicznej wymaga starannego przygotowania i skutecznej komunikacji z operatorem systemu dystrybucyjnego. Przed złożeniem wniosku należy skompletować wszystkie niezbędne dokumenty. A po jego złożeniu, monitorować proces i być gotowym do szybkiego reagowania na ewentualne pytania. Dzięki temu można skutecznie uzyskać warunki przyłączenia i skutecznie zrealizować inwestycję farmy fotowoltaicznej. 

Obtaining connection conditions for a photovoltaic farm requires careful preparation and effective communication with the distribution system operator. Before submitting the application, it is necessary to gather all required documents. After submitting the application, monitor the process and be ready to respond quickly to any inquiries. By doing so, you can effectively obtain connection conditions and successfully complete the investment in the photovoltaic farm.

Read also: Project of a Photovoltaic Farm – What You Need to Know? Project of a Photovoltaic Farm – What You Need to Know?


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