How to Effectively Obtain Connection Conditions for a PV Farm? A Guide

Connection Conditions to the Electrical Grid for a Photovoltaic Farm

Obtaining connection conditions for a photovoltaic (PV) farm to the electrical grid is a process that requires the proper completion of the application and preparation of the necessary attachments, followed by effective cooperation with the Distribution System Operator (DSO). Below is a guide to the most important stages of this process: before submitting the application, during its submission, and after submission.

Before Submitting the Application

  1. Site Analysis and Land Audit We verify the property in terms of its planning and environmental conditions, as well as its location relative to technical infrastructure. Additionally, we assess the property’s potential by conducting a solar analysis and a productivity assessment.
  2. Checking the Local Spatial Development Plan (MPZP) – We verify whether the local spatial development plan allows for the construction of a photovoltaic farm on the selected site. In the absence of an MPZP, we obtain a building conditions decision (WZ). However, to achieve this, we must first obtain an environmental decision (DoŚU).
  3. Collecting Documentation – We prepare the necessary documents constituting the application for determining the connection conditions and gather the necessary attachments, which include:
  • a document confirming the right to dispose of the property,
  • a building conditions decision (WZ) or an extract from the local spatial development plan (MPZP),
  • catalog cards,
  • a site development project,
  • technical drawings, as well as maps.

Przyłączenie farmy fotowoltaicznej do sieci energetycznej. Zdjęcie Electrum.

Connection Conditions for a PV Farm to the Electrical Grid – Application

After the initial stage, submit an application to the DSO or the Transmission System Operator (TSO) for the issuance of connection conditions to the electrical grid. The connection conditions primarily specify all the technical requirements to ensure the safe and timely connection of the PV farm to the National Power System (KSE). The connection conditions for a photovoltaic farm are one of the annexes to the connection agreement, which, in addition to the technical requirements described in the WP, also regulates issues of schedule, costs, and the rights and obligations of its parties.

Step by Step

It’s worth knowing that each network operator may have its own additional formal requirements regarding the documentation attached to the application for connection conditions.

  1. Application Preparation – we fill out the application for connection conditions in accordance with the DSO/TSO requirements.
  2. Attachments to the Application – a document confirming the right to dispose of the property, a building conditions decision (WZ) or an extract from the local spatial development plan (MPZP), catalog cards, a site development project, technical drawings, including maps (we will detail this further in the article).
  3. Connection Fee – this is the deposit towards the connection fee, which usually amounts to 30 PLN/kW (30,000 PLN for 1 MW of installation capacity). Ensure payment within 14 days of submitting the application. It is worth mentioning that the maximum amount of this deposit is 3,000,000 PLN.
  4. Submitting the Application – it can be submitted in person, by mail, or electronically, depending on the procedures of the given operator.

Warunki przyłączenia farmy PV fotowoltaicznej.

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What needs to be included in the application?

It is essential to familiarize yourself with the template for the connection conditions application, available from the specific Distribution System Operator or Transmission System Operator. Each application contains a list of attachments. Among the necessary documents, you will find:

  • A document confirming legal title to the property – this can include various forms of land use; most commonly, it is a deed or a lease agreement.
  • A building conditions decision or an extract from the local spatial development plan.
  • A development plan on a situational and elevation map, which is a cartographic document that shows the planned location and layout of all elements of the photovoltaic farm on the investment site. The map is a key element of the project documentation and is necessary for obtaining building permits and connection conditions to the electrical grid.
  • Catalog cards of the devices that will be elements of the PV farm. These primarily include catalog cards for: PV panels, inverters, transformer stations, supporting structures, and cable lines.
  • Single-line installation diagrams.
  • A map of the connection line route.

At Electrum Ventures, we are responsible for fully utilizing the property’s potential, conducting planning and environmental analyses, and obtaining administrative decisions. Learn more about this: What we do.

After Submitting the Application for Connection Conditions for a Photovoltaic Installation

  1. Payment of the Connection Fee Deposit – The deposit must be paid within 14 days from the date of application submission.
  2. Application Supplementation – The DSO/TSO, after verifying the submitted application, may request supplements, the scope of which is described in the written request directed to the applicant.
  3. Monitoring Progress – It is advisable to monitor the progress of the application review by the DSO. For this purpose, maintain contact with the operator.
  4. Waiting Time – The DSO has a maximum of 150 days to review the high voltage (HV) network connection application and a maximum of 120 days to review the medium voltage (MV) network connection application. In practice, the review time for the vast majority of applications is longer. The review time does not include the time necessary for supplementation (item 2). It also does not include delays resulting from the applicant’s actions. The DSO/TSO has the option to extend the review period by half of the basic period, i.e., respectively 60 days or 75 days.
  5. Obtaining Connection Conditions – After the positive review of the application, we receive the connection conditions for the photovoltaic farm, which will specify the technical details and costs related to connecting the PV farm to the electrical grid. The connection conditions for a photovoltaic farm are valid for 2 years from the date of their delivery.
  6. Signing the Connection Agreement – Based on the received connection conditions, a connection agreement is signed with the DSO/TSO. The connection agreement must be signed within the validity period of the connection conditions. This agreement defines the rights and obligations of both parties and the schedule for the connection implementation, both on the part of the DSO/TSO and the connected entity.
  7. Connection Implementation – After signing the agreement, the DSO/TSO will commence the work related to connecting the photovoltaic farm to the grid. Cooperation with the operator is crucial to ensure a smooth process.

Wniosek o warunki przyłączenia elektrowni słonecznej

How to Effectively Obtain Connection Conditions for a PV Farm – Summary 

Uzyskanie warunków przyłączenia farmy fotowoltaicznej wymaga starannego przygotowania i skutecznej komunikacji z operatorem systemu dystrybucyjnego. Przed złożeniem wniosku należy skompletować wszystkie niezbędne dokumenty. A po jego złożeniu, monitorować proces i być gotowym do szybkiego reagowania na ewentualne pytania. Dzięki temu można skutecznie uzyskać warunki przyłączenia i skutecznie zrealizować inwestycję farmy fotowoltaicznej. 

Obtaining connection conditions for a photovoltaic farm requires careful preparation and effective communication with the distribution system operator. Before submitting the application, it is necessary to gather all required documents. After submitting the application, monitor the process and be ready to respond quickly to any inquiries. By doing so, you can effectively obtain connection conditions and successfully complete the investment in the photovoltaic farm.

Read also: Project of a Photovoltaic Farm – What You Need to Know? Project of a Photovoltaic Farm – What You Need to Know?


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